
Happenings...exhibitions, art fairs, news...

Stig Persson's opening reception was a wonderful success! For more images of the reception, please click the image below. Alan Bamberger took some beautiful images and comments that Stig's work, while possessing an industrial aspect, captures a strong aesthetic. Many thanks, also to Niels Agersnap for his opening and installation photography, now online, too.Other news, the gallery is a hive of activity lately, with kudos to Lorraine Peltz for her successful exhibition, 'Ahh... Decadence!' with the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Curated by Lisa Wainwright, Lorraine's work graced the catalog cover and her painting, 'Grape Punch, 2008' continued 'the chandelier motif as a symbol of splendor and privilege, decadence's handmaidens.' (Lisa Wainwright, Ahh... Decadence, page 14).

Ivan Mora is wrapping up a commission of his corset sculpture for one of our favorite clients in Baltimore, and Taliaferro Jones is in New York espousing her beautiful ideas to fledgling glass sculptors. David Ruth is polishing (literally) up his entries to SOFA Chicago 2008...and we're preparing for our first Winter Salon 2008 (replacing our former Salon d'Été, opening November 15) and Bridge Art Fair, Miami Beach.

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