
Lorraine Peltz...news!

I received an email from Lorraine Peltz the day before yesterday with images of new work (so exciting!). She writes that fall has arrived in her hometown of Chicago and sent compliments for our new exhibition for Stig Persson. Thank you, Lorraine! She also wrote we have a strong group of artists, although we strive for that...it is a good thing to hear from the perspective of another artist. I hope you agree, and hope you follow this blog and what I write about them.

In terms of Lorraine's work, her work is included in two exhibitions opening this Friday (tomorrow) in Chicago, "Chicago Verge: Points of Departures (drawings)" at I Space, and "Ahh.. Decadence!" at SAIC Sullivan Gallery. I Space has a nice brochure with reproduction and there will be a catalogue for the SAIC show. Congratulations, Lorraine! I hope the show is a huge success!

Yes, it's easy to speak warmly of artists who are warm in return, and always, always a pleasure (there is something immensely satisfying in the knowledge that one's effort and work is appreciated). Please let me know anything you want about my work and the artists and gallery I represent, but to let you know...I get a lot (tons) of email, I do read it all, and some of it can make or break my day, consequently, I'm kind of selective about replies...

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