
Grant Garmezy

Thanks to his blog, we have updates on Grant Garmezy's work!

Congratulations, Grant, on your inclusion to the Morgan Gallery’s 3rd Teapot Invitational. This year’s theme, teapots! steep in thought, will attract glass sculptors from around the world. Museums and collectors have purchased many of the pieces from previous teapot exhibitions.

I mentioned earlier that Grant enjoys prestigious awards - among the best is the Royal Scottish Academy feature of Grant Garmezy's work from April 25 - May 26 2008 at the Royal Scottish Academy’s 182nd Annual Exhibition in Edinburgh, Scotland. The piece, entitled, "Delicious," (above image, 2008, 12 x 5 in., blown glass) was awarded the RSA Benno Scholtz Prize for most promising work by a young sculptor in Scotland.

It's easy to see how/why he was awarded the prize - the work inspires highly emotive reactions in the viewer, a certain attraction based on color (is that a bright red tongue?), imagery (what is this a sculpture of, exactly?, and polished quality. Understanding Grant's memory-based work, renders additional appreciation of his sculpture, mature set of representational ideas and well-developed glass-blowing skill. Bravo, Grant!

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