
Mark Abildgaard

I invited Mark Abildgaard to show his work at COLD+HOT 2008, our glass sculpture group exhibition, because he's a local artist, and because his aesthetic is a great combination of American innovation and sophisticated technique. At the Glass Art Society's conference in Portland, Oregon last June, Mark had one of the largest attendances for a lecture at the conference. The room was so crowded with acolytes, I couldn't even get close to let him know we were present! Mark has a sound following of his work, and is one of the original group of California glass artists and sculptors who understands the relationship of light to his sculpture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for keeping my work on display. I think the blog is a great idea. It is a way to make a personal connection with the Gallery. It has been rare in my experience to have an open dialog with the gallery owner. I would like to show some of my cast work in the Fall. Right now I am waiting for the heat wave to end so I can fire my kiln! It has been 104 with power alerts and bad air warnings for Sacramento.

Take Care,