
The deed is done...

...and our new address is officially 49 Geary, No. 234, San Francisco, CA 94108 USA. Fax, telephone and email addresses, are (thank God), the same. Please don't rush over to visit, the move was not easy (thanks to our new building manager, who launched unimaginable blockades...yes, we paid for this?!), and we're unquestionably the worst for wear. A move from hell, complete with River Styx crossing, does not a visit to our new home...umm, we're just not pretty yet, and since we're geared up for SOFA Chicago 2008 (God Almighty!) next week, boxes and crates and artworks all about are amazing testament to the move.

SOFA Chicago fair is impressive - I haven't seen anything like it yet, not at Miami and certainly not in New York. Is it C
hicago, or the dead of winter and freezing, freezing winds descending from massive lakes placing the fear of God in these organizers? This is no mild oceanside fair - lots of wind (rhetorical and literal), art dealers, artists, cognoscenti and collectors from far and wide seeking acquisitions, fame, recognition. Why would anyone want to attend SOFA? It's the sculpture (as in S for SOFA) in myriad form and medium populating the Festival Hall off Navy Pier, as well as the roster of international galleries and artists (or, the other way around?) descending en masse to show the latest and the greatest in sculpture, object and functional art. It's an amazing fair, Chicago's finest proudly attends, and we'll be there too, and yes, we will have a few stars with us, namely, Taliaferro Jones, Weston Lambert, Stig Persson, David Ruth and James Walker. We hope to have Peter Bremers on hand, and regret missing the company Ned Cantrell and David Gilhooly this time around, although we'll show their work! Left, is an image of Ned Cantrell's work - a punny take on the mudflap girl. Ever tongue in cheek and technically masterful, Ned's work humorously plays with cultural icons, with an especially sharp note respective commercially popular iconographies. If you plan to visit, SOFA Chicago 2008 dates are November 6 through 9. Please stop by our booth (No. 703) to see his work and that of the rest of our group, we'd love to see you! For a peek at the catalog, please mouse over and click on the pages below:
Please click here to open large format publication...we return November 11, and will be ready for your visit at our new home! Our new address opens with Winter Salon 2008 on November 15, an exhibition of works by Peter Bremers, Gary Clemenceau, Scott Kildall, Michelle Knox, Naoko Okabe, Stig Persson, Chantal Royant, David Ruth, Thomas Scoon, Ron Starr, and Kristiina Uslar. Presenting contemporary works in sculpture, digital and video art, the exhibition possesses an elegant, slightly decadent, je ne sais quoi embrace of the year's end, particularly apt for 2008's unprecedented cultural and economical changes.

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